How to convert datetime from time ago in php

How to convert datetime from time ago in php

Simple php function for converting datetime format to Time Ago format in php

Create a function get_timeago()

 function get_timeago($time) {
    // Calculate difference between current
    // time and given timestamp in seconds
    $curtim=date_timestamp_get(date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
    $diff = $curtim - strtotime($time);
    // Time difference in seconds
    $sec = $diff;
    // Convert time difference in minutes
    $min = round($diff / 60 );
    // Convert time difference in hours
    $hrs = round($diff / 3600);
    // Convert time difference in days
    $days = round($diff / 86400 );
    // Convert time difference in weeks
    $weeks = round($diff / 604800);
    // Convert time difference in months
    $mnths = round($diff / 2600640 );
    // Convert time difference in years
    $yrs = round($diff / 31207680 );
    // Check for seconds
    if($sec <= 60) {
        return "$sec seconds ago";
    // Check for minutes
    else if($min <= 60) {
        if($min==1) {
            return "one minute ago";
        else {
            return "$min minutes ago";
    // Check for hours
    else if($hrs <= 24) {
        if($hrs == 1) { 
            return "an hour ago";
        else {
            return "$hrs hours ago";
    // Check for days
    else if($days <= 7) {
        if($days == 1) {
            return "Yesterday";
        else {
            return "$days days ago";
    // Check for weeks
    else if($weeks <= 4.3) {
        if($weeks == 1) {
            return "a week ago";
        else {
            return "$weeks weeks ago";
    // Check for months
    else if($mnths <= 12) {
        if($mnths == 1) {
            return "a month ago";
        else {
            return "$mnths months ago";
    // Check for years
    else {
        if($yrs == 1) {
            return "one year ago";
        else {
            return "$yrs years ago";

Then call function like this

echo  get_timeago('2021-07-01 17:05:25');

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